Varnish is a data caching platform, which is sometimes called an HTTP reverse proxy. It is a website accelerator that can improve the load speed of a website by up to one thousand percent, depending on the content itself. Every time a visitor opens any page on a website that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server when the visitor accesses it again. In this way, the web browser request from the visitor is not handled by the server and the web page will load tremendously faster, since Varnish can deliver information many times faster than any server software. The result will be a significantly faster loading website, which leads to an immensely improved website browsing experience. When any of the cached webpages is updated on the live website, the data that Varnish stores in its memory is updated as well, so the visitors will not end up seeing out-of-date data.

Varnish in Cloud Hosting

If you host your sites in a cloud hosting account with us, you will be able to add Varnish with a couple of clicks of the mouse through your hosting Control Panel. The caching platform is offered as an optional upgrade with all our hosting packages and you can select how many websites will use it and the maximum storage space that will be used for the cached data. The two features that can be upgraded in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section are the number of instances and the amount of system memory and they aren’t tied directly to each other, so you can choose whether you need plenty of memory for one single large site or less memory for several smaller ones. You can unleash the full potential of the Varnish caching platform if the sites use a dedicated IP address. With the hosting Control Panel, you can quickly start/restart/deactivate an instance, delete the cached content individually for each website which employs Varnish or view an elaborate system log file.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Varnish platform is an essential part of the basic service set that you’ll get if you decide to host your sites in a semi-dedicated server account. You can enable it for any of your websites through our next-gen Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The default memory that the Varnish caching platform can use to cache data is 64 MB, but if you decide that you need more, you can upgrade this amount from the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, i.e. the number of the sites that can use this caching platform simultaneously. As these two features aren’t linked to each other, you can use several websites with the default memory or you can add more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and use all of it for one single Internet site. The Varnish platform works best when you get a dedicated IP for the sites that utilize its power. Hepsia will offer you a simple way of restarting any instance. On top of that, you will be able to delete the cached contents with only one single mouse click.

Varnish in VPS Web Hosting

We provide Varnish with all of the Hepsia-equipped VPS web hosting, so in case you purchase a server with this hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the content caching platform at no extra cost. Varnish can use different amounts of system memory for data caching purposes depending on the particular setup that you’ve chosen on the order page, but nevertheless, this amount won’t be less than several hundred megabytes. This is more than enough to enhance the overall performance of several different resource-intensive Internet sites, so the faster page load speeds and the reduced load on the virtual server will be discernible. The result may not be observable instantly, as Varnish will require a certain amount of time to cache the content that users request, but shortly after you enable it, you will witness its full potential. This platform will allow you to use a lower-end VPS and to pay less cash to get the very same performance you would get with a higher-end machine without Varnish.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers Hosting

When you need the most powerful website hosting solution and you get one of the Linux dedicated servers hosting offered by us, you’ll be able to use the Varnish content caching platform to enhance the performance of your sites at no additional charge on the condition that the dedicated machine is ordered with our leading-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Its easy-to-use interface will allow you to monitor system processes, to clear the cache or to restart any instance with one single click. The minimal amount of system memory that Varnish can employ to cache site content is three gigabytes, which is more than enough for an enormous selection of busy Internet sites, so your server will be able to cope with a huge system load while your website visitors are having a seamless browsing experience. Since your dedicated machine will come with several dedicated IPs, you’ll be able to use Varnish’s full capacity.